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Where's my mommy?

[Sep 12,2018 6:25pm - Anon Bystander  ""]
Obsess much? Fucking psychoooooooo.......
[Sep 12,2018 6:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:I'm totally going to get a Nobel peace prize for breaking up TST.
[Sep 13,2018 10:30pm - Guy in the back of the room  ""]
[Sep 13,2018 10:56pm - grandmotherweb ""]
with an engineering degree
[Sep 14,2018 12:53am - Trash Dept of RTTP  ""]
and you're missing a pair of undies.....god dammnit they smell so good thanks.
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[Sep 14,2018 1:45am - buy essa  ""]
Thank you so much for ding the impressive job here, everyone will surely like your post.
[Sep 15,2018 12:37am - real_shutup_fagget ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:I'm totally going to get a Nobel peace prize for breaking up TST.

shutup fagget
[Sep 15,2018 11:38pm - grandmotherweb ""]
breaking news from Ash Astaroth's newly-restored Facebook page:

"Lucien Greaves just started verbally harassing me publicly in downtown Salem. When I told him I didn't want to speak to him he started insulting me. When I grabbed a phone to take a picture or film him doing so he grabbed my phone, smashed it, went over to grab it and ran off with it. He was accompanied by Adam Ostrofski. The police are now involved."

bye-bye, LOL!
[Sep 16,2018 1:03am - Yall faggots and trash  ""]


TST = Christians just with more hot topic clothing.

HEy salem TST enjoy not having to meet at the fucking local library you fucking try hard faggots, you're not even liked in your own national group. Omg they must be wrong and TST salem must be the only TRUE satanist group in the USA.

Pussy ass fuck bois and daddy issue sluts is what comprises TST salem.

gmotherweb can also suck my dick whenever she wants.
[Sep 18,2018 5:41am - DisassociativeDbagDisorder  ""]
"The police are now involved." Except there's no mention of anything remotely similar to what this Ash moron is describing in ANY of the police logs/incident reports for Salem, despite their being posted daily (and on Mondays for Fri-Sun incidents.) Sounds like more attention seeking but ok.
[Sep 18,2018 11:27am - grandmotherweb ""]
Lucien Greaves lied on the police report. He appeared in court alongside Malcolm Jarry yesterday and committed perjury right in front of Ash.
[Sep 18,2018 11:32am - grandmotherweb ""]
Lucien Greaves AKA Doug Mesner AKA Doug Misicko has a long track record of committing perjury.


"Recently vicious online attacks have been published by The Satanic Temple's Grey Faction and Douglas Mesner/Lucien Greaves. These have attacked the recent Survivorship Conference in Oakland, CA in May 2016 and Neil Brick, encouraging people to sign a petition to take away his license to practice therapy."

(they failed)
[Sep 18,2018 11:39am - grandmotherweb ""]
"The Article Attacking the Survivorship Conference [...] originally had a video of Neil Brick, taken without his permission and posted on the Internet without his permission. This was at a private conference where video and audio recording is not permitted to protect the anonymity of the attendees, who were child abuse, rape, and trauma victims. It appears the person who recorded the video of Neil Brick used a fake name and misrepresented their reasons for attending the conference and did not tell the truth about their personal information."

"It discussed how a complaint was filed against Neil Brick’s licensure in Massachusetts. This was filed by an out of state party that did not know Neil Brick professionally or personally. An previous online video discusses how the complaint was filed through one of their Grey Faction members to his licensing board and the board dismissed the complaint without prejudice."
[Sep 18,2018 1:45pm - DissassociativeDbagDisorder  ""]
Telling a truth you don't like isn't perjury, gmw. In either case. Neil Brick and others like him are sad excuses for care providers, taking advantage of their clients' mental health issues and trauma to further victimize them for their own ends. Spend five minutes with credible sources (NOT guys who thinks touching your face will trigger him to kill and rape for the CIA) and it's pretty clear what utter nonsense satanic ritual abuse claims, and the claims of people like Brick, are. I'm sure Jude Mirra was thrilled with how VALID this field supposedly is when his mother killed him. A review board failed to investigate impartially and thoroughly enough to shitcan a nut? Go figure. That's not an often repeated experience at all.
[Sep 18,2018 1:47pm - DissassociativeDbagDisorder  ""]
You people really are exquisite pieces of work. I have no doubt that there are valid traumas and mental health issues at the core of it, but you know what? Trauma and mental health issues don't justify stalking, slander, revenge porn, and this absolutely sick attention seeking behavior. I've got a nice little diagnosis bundle, and yet you don't see me trying to ruin people's lives because I don't like what they have to say. Pathetic.
[Sep 18,2018 5:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, Doug.
[Sep 18,2018 9:08pm - anonymous bystander  ""]
Charlotte, you're fucking crazy. And an asshole to boot. Get a fucking job.
[Sep 18,2018 9:09pm - anonymous bystander  ""]
You've done nothing more than make a mockery of yourself.
[Sep 18,2018 9:24pm - Grandfatherweb (we got married)  ""]
Hey doug why don't you stop sucking off luciens micropenis and get in the fucking dumpster with the rest of your crew. Blalbla ritualistic blabla no one cares and you are filled with bullshit.

Gmommyweb has made nothing but valid points on every thread she has ever been a part of.

Why don't you go apply for some space at the Beverly library seeing as salem has kicked you retards out. I heard they are sick of your all black gatherings and they are pissed you always forget to blow out the stupid "ritual cleansing" candles you doucheboxes always burn. It's a fire hazard and you were worn on many occasions to stop. I for one am very happy that my family wont be seeing your useless ego stroking group anymore at the library when we go for our weekly book night.

[Sep 18,2018 10:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]

anonymous%20bystander said:You've done nothing more than make a mockery of yourself.

definitely Doug/Lucien
[Sep 18,2018 11:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:Lucien Greaves AKA Doug Mesner AKA Doug Misicko has a long track record of committing perjury.


"You might also remember Pavlov’s dog, who salivated at the sound of a bell. This is basic conditioning, stimulus-response. Child traffickers teach such signals to the children they traffic and they condition these children to respond immediately in particular ways and are used in many cults to control members. More complex conditioning can be done on human beings."
[Sep 19,2018 9:30am - DisassociativeDbagDisorder  ""]
Yeah, I'm not Doug. I'm not even male. Doesn't accusing people of being Doug get tiresome? Do you have any other tricks in your handy sack of douchebaggery?

Yeah, I get it. You post it everywhere TST or GF is mentioned. Pavlov's dog apparently proves that Brick was used as a real life rapist Winter Soldier, and will go on a rape and murder spree if people scratch their heads. Got it. And this is the guy people are holding up as an expert, and a perfectly functional care provider. That's totally rational!
[Sep 19,2018 9:34am - DisassociativeDbagDisorder  ""]

Grandfatherweb said:Hey doug why don't you stop sucking off luciens micropenis and get in the fucking dumpster with the rest of your crew. Blalbla ritualistic blabla no one cares and you are filled with bullshit.

Gmommyweb has made nothing but valid points on every thread she has ever been a part of.

LOL. So are you Ash, one of GMW's psychological fantasies, or just another idiot? :spineyes:
[Sep 19,2018 11:56am - grandmotherweb ""]
describe yourself some more. I do have a number of White Knights on this forum.
[Sep 19,2018 11:58am - grandmotherweb ""]

DisassociativeDbagDisorder said:Yeah, I'm not Doug. I'm not even male!

you're totally Doug. no one cares about the Satanic Temple's opinions on mental health.

for real.
[Sep 19,2018 8:41pm - anonymous bystander  ""]
Grandmaweb IS Doug Mesner!!!!
[Sep 19,2018 8:50pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Sep 19,2018 10:37pm - THE TAINTANIC TEMPLE OF TAINTS  ""]

DisassociativeDbagDisorder said:
Grandfatherweb said:Hey doug why don't you stop sucking off luciens micropenis and get in the fucking dumpster with the rest of your crew. Blalbla ritualistic blabla no one cares and you are filled with bullshit.

Gmommyweb has made nothing but valid points on every thread she has ever been a part of.

LOL. So are you Ash, one of GMW's psychological fantasies, or just another idiot? :spineyes:

I'm not ash, I've never met gmommyweb ever.

You however are a faggotttttttt. TST is so edgy, it's unreal how they even get away with such edgy things...like you know being in all black, doing public displays of "hey dump this shit on my head and pretend it's blood for some fucking reason this reprsents some sort of liberating thing, don't worry we are satanist so this is what they do they dump blood on their bodys, hey this isn't even real blood it's kool aid...we are so cool, drink the cool aidssss"..

Go fuck yourselves.
[Sep 20,2018 10:48pm - Chonce  ""]
YEP....GMW is certifiably
[Sep 20,2018 11:36pm - reeled_shutup_fagg0t  ""]
Lol cuz im GMW also.



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